How do we ensure your team is TRULY on a mission?

August 1, 2024 - 3 minutes read
On a mission

The number one priority when operating a business is making sure every team member is on the same page. Without that unity, all of your efforts might be for nothing.

Imagine a rowing team where everyone is pulling at different times, in different directions.

That’s not very effective, is it?

But that’s exactly what it’s like when your team isn’t aligned around a compelling mission statement. Your teammates don’t know where your business is headed, so they don’t know exactly what they’re supposed to do.

This is where Critical Actions come into play.

What are Critical Actions?

These are three direct actions that every member of your team can take almost every day to help move your business toward its financial objectives.

They should:

  • Directly contribute to your mission and economic priorities.
  • Be simple enough to be repeated daily.
  • Be so clear that nobody has any questions about what to do.

Here are a few examples, and feel free to use them as inspiration:

E-commerce business:

  1. We respond to all customer inquiries within 24 hours.
  2. We update product listings daily to reflect accuracy inventory levels.
  3. We pack and ship orders with care to ensure products arrive in perfect condition.

Software Development companies:

  1. We conduct daily stand-up meetings to discuss our progress and identify any roadblocks.
  2. We adhere to coding standards and conduct peer reviews before merging any code.
  3. We test our software rigorously under various conditions to ensure it’s bug-free.


  1. We greet every customer with a warm welcome as soon as they walk through the door.
  2. We double-check the temperature of our food before serving, making sure it’s always hot and fresh.
  3. We sanitize all kitchen utensils and cooking surfaces after each use.

Just like a well-coordinated rowing team, you’ll start moving forward faster than ever … once everyone is on the same page and doing exactly what they need to do.

Here’s YOUR plan for today:

  1. Take a look at your current mission statement.
  2. Come up with 3 critical actions that EVERY member of your team can take every day to help your business reach its financial goals.
  3. Email me the actions you come up with!

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