Are Meetings Killing Your Team’s Productivity?

August 29, 2024 - 2 minutes read
Team Meetings

The truth is, most businesses often get stuck in an endless loop of meetings.

Even if YOU don’t feel that way … your employees probably do.

In 2024, the average employee attends 62 meetings per month and considers HALF of them as “time wasted.”

That’s a lot of productivity down the drain! Not to mention, the long-term effect it has on employee morale.

Here’s the thing: Meetings are essential for communication and collaboration. We know that.

But, they turn into productivity black holes when they:

  • Are ineffective: These are the meetings with no clear agenda, stated purpose, or desired outcome (including the dreaded “meeting just to meet” block that executives love to schedule.
  • Extend too long: Talking in circles, repeating points, and going off on tangents are all signs that a meeting has gone beyond its allotted time. At that point, it’s eating up valuable work hours.
  • Involve the wrong people: Many owners, managers, and executives thing … “If we just add more people to the meeting, everyone will be on the same page.” But in reality, this just leads to more confusion and wasted time for those who don’t need to be there.

It’s time to cut through the confusion and focus on what truly matters. If you want to improve your team communication, productivity, and collaboration, you need to take action.

Here’s what you should do today

1. Audit your current meetings: Write down ALL of your recurring meetings. Identify their stated purpose (if they have one) and all attendees.

2. Evaluate their effectiveness: Are these meetings achieving their goals? Are the right people attending? Could they be shorter?

3. Send me your findings: Email me your list and observations. I’d love to help figure this out together!