Did You Miss The nVision Thrive Semi Annual Event?

June 6, 2023 - 3 minutes read

As a business owner, it’s important to stay up-to-date on current laws that may affect your company’s operations as well as spend time working on your business. This is precisely what this year’s nVision Thrive Semi Annual Event attendees learned about, as they gained valuable insights on the newly enacted laws and worked on crafting a Strategic Mission Statement.


This year’s event gave attendees a look at the recently enacted tax laws that will affect businesses in the future. Business owners learned about tax breaks and incentives that they can utilize to help grow their businesses. Speaker Crisit Vidal also discussed how these new tax laws have affected the recent shift towards sustainable businesses practices. Overall, the tax law portion of the event helped business owners prepare for the upcoming tax season and increase their financially stable operations moving forward.

Labor and Employment

Business owners should be aware that several labor and employment laws will be going into effect this summer. Attendees learned about these important changes and what their companies can expect. These newly enacted laws (specifically the new Arizona law) cover essential issues such as minimum wage, paid leave acts, overtime regulations and more. Moreso speaker Linda Michaels gave live examples from her own experiences as business owner, which offered valuable insights and guidelines for other attendees who lack the same experience.

Strategic Mission Statement

If you ever feel like you are winging it or feel like your team doesn’t seem to “get” you vision, crafting a Strategic Mission Plan is something you need to be working on.  Attendees created their own Strategic Mission Plan using three key components to help increase their profits and set long term business goals.

Opportunities to Network

One of the key benefits of attending the nVision Thrive Event was the chance to network with peers and industry leaders. The event offered in-depth insights into ways business owners can connect with leaders in their industry to help increase growth and sales. During the networking sessions, attendees exchanged contacts, shared ideas, learned about recent trends, and developed new business strategies that may be more effective.

By taking advantage of the insights and resources shared at the event, attendees will stay ahead of the competition and grow their businesses beyond their wildest expectations. If you missed this year’s event, ensure not to miss the next one, and enjoy business success.