Say NO to being a victim in your business

July 26, 2024 - 2 minutes read
Business victim

Have you ever felt like your journey as a business owner is an uphill battle? No matter what you do, the odds always seem stacked against you?

Don’t worry. That’s a feeling MANY of us share.

But what if we’re looking at it all wrong?

Let’s cut to the chase — running a business is difficult. It’s a lot of hard work. There are going to be challenges, setbacks, and even flat-out failures at times.

However, the key difference between a successful business owner and one who struggles lies in how they see themselves in this journey.

So, are you a VICTIM or a HERO in your journey? That’s the question.

How do you know if you’re playing the victim?

Well, here’s what victims do:

  • They see obstacles as insurmountable barriers
  • They also believe fate, other people, or external circumstances are responsible for their setbacks.
  • They think the marketplace, their team, or competition are conspiring against them to prevent the business from succeeding.

We ALL have those moments where we feel like victims in our own business story.

But here’s the thing: Playing the victim gets us nowhere.

You need to see yourself as the HERO. Successful business owners don’t let setbacks define them. Instead, they accept responsibility, rise to the occasion, overcome challenges, and find ways to win!

Here’s your action plan for today:

  1. Reflect on recent setbacks in your business where you’ve blamed external factors.
  2. Next to each one, write how you could have taken charge instead.
  3. Email me your list.

Remember: Every hero faces adversity! But it’s how you respond to those challenges that defines your journey. So let’s gear up, and get ready to take charge!

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