Why Business Owners Should Sell Solutions, Not Features

August 8, 2024 - 3 minutes read

Have you ever found yourself rattling off the features of your new product or service … only to see your prospect’s eyes glaze over?

As business owners, we’ve all been there.

But here’s what most owners don’t realize early on: Customers don’t buy your products or services.

They buy solutions to their problems.

They want to know how your product or service can make their lives better or more fulfilling. Better yet — if they are facing a difficult process or task, how can you make things easier on them?

So, how do we shift from a feature-focused sales approach to a solution-focused one?

Start by understanding their problem

To sell a solution, you first need to understand what the customer is dealing with — from their perspective. This isn’t about surface-level conversation. Instead, you need to genuinely grasp the pain points your customers are facing.

Ask lots of questions, listen actively, and empathize with them.

The better you understand their external and internal problem, the better equipped you’ll be to solve it.

Position your product or service as the solution

Once you have the necessary information, then you can demonstrate how your product or service can solve it. SHOW how your company will directly address this issue.

For instance, if you’re selling a project management tool, don’t just talk about its features. Instead, EXPLAIN how it can help them stay organized, save time, and reduce stress.

Personalize the example to their business and the everyday issues they deal with.

Paint a vivid picture of a world where their problem is gone and they never have to worry about it again.

Speak their language

Ditch the industry jargon and buzzwords. Speak in plain English that your customer will understand and relate to.

If your customer is a busy mom, talk about how your product fits into her hectic schedule. If they are a tech newbie, describe how your product is user-friendly.

PRO TIP: Using customer testimonials is also a great way to get examples of how your current or past customers describe their problems and how you helped them overcome the challenges to WIN.

Are you ready to switch up your sales strategy?

We believe in you, and our team is here to assist your company every step of the way!

Book a free discovery call today, and we’ll get you on the right track to success.

P.S. – If you’re still feeling overwhelmed or unsure about how to implement this strategy, don’t worry. This is what our discovery call will cover. We will evaluate your sales approach together and come up with a few alternatives to help your business grow!

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